About Us
Mission Statement: Witness to all the life-giving love of Christ.
Our Saviour Lutheran Church is a Christian church in Port Huron, Michigan. A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church In America (ELCA), we emphasize the relationship with God available through the Holy Spirit. Our view of God embraces his promise of steadfast love and mercy and enables us to live a life of bold trust and generous service.
The church was organized in 1920 when members from a local Lutheran congregation wanted worship services in English. The 22nd of February, 1920, may rightly be called the birthday of the church. It was on this date that the first service was held in the Public Library, now known as the Museum of Arts and History, corner of 6th and Wall.
Since the church's beginnings, there have only been six pastors ( Rev. Charles F. Dankworth, Rev. Herbert V. Mueller, Rev. Albert A. Ruff, Rev. Frederick A. Schoof, Rev. Donald R. Doerzbacher, and Charles A. Martin). We are currently looking for a new pastor. In addition to inhouse regular worship services, services can be heard every Sunday via podcast.
Martin Luther, an influential figure in the Protestant Reformation, described the exuberant freedom of, "a living, daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that believers would stake their lives on it a thousand times." He also wrote, "Oh, it is a living, busy, active, mighty thing, this faith. It is impossible not to be doing good things unceasingly." Join our welcoming and joyful community and grow and serve in the location where God has planted you.